Friday, August 13, 2021

"Common Problems on the Build-up Phase on the Offensive Organization of a Football/ Soccer team".

 Author: Oscar Mendez.

As we know in football/soccer, when the majority of teams find themselves on offensive Phase, normally according to the general principles of all collective sports, we look for certain strategic objectives that our team must take advantage.

This is very basic for all Collective sports.


General Principles  of collective sports.

1-    Create numerical superiority.

2-    Avoid numerical equality

3-    Disallow numerical inferiority.

A problem that we often see, either on  Club level or National Teams when they compete is how this aspect is not taken into account frequently.

It is often repeated and insisted on, something that will have negative consequences for that team, either because they will lose possession and will be an easy target for that team to be counter-attacked easily.

I am not sure why this happens, but I suspect it can be related to an in-abilty to be unable to see the action following  or to not see the game as a Whole (systemic view).

They behave as if that offensive action finished immediately, and the game  finishes there and would not change, where the football match we see it is a "subsequent phase of occurring actions one after the other one".

The problem:

When these teams build up offensive actions from the back, we can determine a passive Zone and an active one.

The active one is found where the defensive block of the opposing team is positioned. In this case it is placed as a Mid-block or on Intermediate zone (in 2/3 of the pitch). (Black team in this case in the graph).

When teams are on offensive organization (red team in this case), on build up phase as mentioned before, the teams defending frequently place their forwards behind the defensive midfielders of attacking team, with the team very short in distance and compact.

Also, to make things worse for attacking team, the fullbacks place themselves behind the defensive block as seen on the graph, so the problem on the active zone, where the attacking team is numerically outnumbered and player who receives, will be in very big numerical disadvantage and it will be practically impossible for that team to progress, keep possession of the ball, create a scoring chance or even pressure.

Other times, the fullbacks may move up even though the defensive midfielder may drop back between the two Central Defenders creating on the Active zone a  7 v 11. 

This became "fashionable" when Guardiola used this to build up from the back, but was not understood as a tool to create numerical superiority +1 , but rather it is used without taking into account the strategy behind it.

The question is, if the defending team defends with only one striker or forward, why does the defensive midfielder  drop back if the attacking team already has numerical superiority.

At first sight, someone might say, to create a 3v1.

The following question would be, once we can progress to that active zone, the attacking team would be on a 7 v 11 (10 players + 1 goalkeeper).

This numerical inferiority that the attacking team has on  Build up phase, would it be enough to keep progressing and not lose the ball?

Many of the players on the red team, would be seriously outnumbered by the black team.

This "Problem" is seen frequently, many times at every level.

1st Problem- To be able to progress.

If we are able to pass to a teammate on this Active zone, he/she will be seriously outnumbered and probably will be unable to keep possession of the ball or allow the team to progress.

2nd Problem- Numerical inferiority to be able to press (Immediately).

Another problem is how we press after losing the able to gain the ball immediately after losing it, either because it will be very advantageous because we would be close to the opposing goal, would not give time for the opposing team to re-organize.

This problem can be originated on seeing possession as  a means for something and not as an objective on its own,  without taking into account its strategy. 

Possession and positional football it is not generated by aesthetic appearances  but rather a strategy to how our team will play, attack, press and defend once again.

In other words, organize and re organize.

3rd Problem- Create and occupy  free space.

To know how to create, see, occupy and take advantage of free space.

This first must be understood and  recognized by coaches, later it must be known how to be taught and later footballers must recognize it and be able to execute it in real game situations.

4th Problem- The game rythm.

The game rhythm (Ritmo de juego) , is an aspect that in Spain, we consider rather important.

It can be resumed just by a Phrase said by famous Uruguayan footballer "Alvaro Recoba".

"You can not run at the same speed and intensity when you are attacking than when you are defending".

The rhythm  of the team will not be the same when the team immediately loses the ball than when it gains it and it can not transition quickly to the opposing goal, and has to build up changing to Offensive Organization.

All players must progress together (viajar juntos), maintain a positional organization so that when we lose the ball we can press immediately to recover the ball and attack or counter attack the opponent.

Modern football has this characteristic, like it or not.

5th Problem- Lack of mobility.

Mobility also is a key aspect, although it should be done in a positional fashion within the space that the player must occupy.

"The garnish (Physical Training) has become more important than the Steak (football game)".

Juanma Lillo.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Problemas comunes en la fase de construcción en la Organización Ofensiva de un equipo de fútbol.

 Autor: Oscar Mendez.

Como se sabe dentro del deporte del fútbol, cuando la mayoría de equipos se encuentran en fase ofensiva, generalmente de acuerdo a los principios generales de juego de todos los deportes colectivos, se buscan determinados objetivos estratégicos que nuestro equipo explote.

Esto es elemental para todos los deportes colectivos.


Principios Generales de los deportes colectivos.

1-    Crear superioridad numérica.

2-    Evitar igualdad numérica.

3-    No permitir inferioridad numérica.


Un problema que observamos reiteradamente, tanto a nivel de competencias de clubes y selecciones absolutas es como no se toma en cuenta este aspecto, 

Se repite e insiste en algo que muy probablemente no llegara a buen puerto o tendrá consecuencias negativas para ese equipo,  ya que perderá la pelota y será presa para el equipo rival para ser contra-atacado fácilmente.

No tengo claro a qué se debe, aunque sospecho que puede deberse a la incapacidad de los entrenadores y futbolistas, a no poder percibir la acción siguiente o al juego como un “Todo”(vision sistémica).

Actúan como si esa acción ofensiva se terminara inmediatamente,  y el juego no siguiera cambiando ,  donde el juego es una cantidad de acciones y fases que siguen sucediendo de forma dinámica una tras  otra.

El problema:

Cuando estos equipos construyen las acciones ofensivas desde atrás,  existe una zona activa y una zona pasiva

La zona activa se encuentra donde el bloque defensivo rival se encuentra posicionado. En este caso se posiciona o coloca en  bloque medio o posicionamiento intermedio. (Equipo negro en este caso).

Cuando los equipos que se encuentran en Organización Ofensiva o Ataque Organizado,  en construcción como mencione antes desde atrás, en cambio, los equipos que defienden suelen retrasar al o los puntas hasta posicionarse  cerca de los medios defensivos, con el bloque muy corto y cerrado.

Además muchas veces,  uno o los dos laterales del equipo en ataque, bajan como se observa en el gráfico y el problema se acrecienta o agranda ya que la inferioridad numérica es aún mayor.

En otros casos  suben los laterales aunque  baja un Medio Centro creando en la zona activa un 7 contra 11. 

Esto se puso de moda con la "salida lavolpiana" y se convirtió en una moda aunque claramente los que lo repiten, no entendieron para que se hacía o con que fines.

La pregunta es, si el equipo rival solo juega con un delantero, para que baja un Medio Centro si ya tiene el equipo rojo superioridad numérica?

A primera instancia se nos puede decir, generaremos así un 3 v 1. 

La pregunta sería, y una vez que podamos entrar en esta zona activa, de este modo quedarán 7 v 11 (10 jugadores de campo + arquero/portero rival).

Esta inferioridad numerica que tenga el equipo en posesion- construcción, le alcanzará para seguir progresando y no perder la posesión del balón?

Muchos de los futbolistas rojos en este caso, serán doblados ante la presión del equipo negro.

Este “problema” se observa una y otra vez a  todos los niveles.

1ero- Poder progresar.

Si logramos filtrar un pase a un futbolista nuestro en esta zona activa, se encontrará en gran inferioridad numérica y es muy probable que no pueda mantener posesión del balón o el equipo progresar.

2do- Inferioridad numérica para poder presionar.

 Otro problema es como presionaremos trás pérdida para ganar inmediatamente el balón si estamos ante mucha inferioridad numérica?

Este problema también puede deberse a que se ve a la Posesión del balón como un fin, y no como un medio para llegar a algo. 

Además de llevar al rival a donde intentaremos presionarlo inmediatamente  embotellándolo y no dejándolo salir con  presión trás pérdida para recuperar el balon y aprovechar la desorganización rival.

3ero- Crear y aprovechar espacio.

Saber como crear,  y aprovechar espacios libres.

Esto primero los entrenadores deben saber como hacerlo, saber enseñarlo, y los futbolistas reconocerlo en situaciones reales de juego.

4to- El ritmo de juego.

Como dijo Alvaro Recoba, "no se corre igual cuando atacas que cuando defiendes".

El ritmo no puede ser el mismo  cuando se presiona o se defiende sin balón que cuando se construye. 

Sea porque todos los jugadores deben "viajar juntos", como para no perder la pelota  y deben mantener un orden posicional , una organización para ofrecer de apoyo al compañero en posesión del balón.

El fútbol  moderno tiene esta característica, nos guste o no.

5to- Falta de movilidad.

La movilidad también pasa a ser un aspecto clave, aunque siempre de forma posicional dentro del espacio que debo ocupar.

"La guarnición (Preparación Física) se ha comido al solomillo 

(Juego del fútbol) ".

Juanma Lillo.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

The construction or build up of a common or collective "Thinking" in a Football/ Soccer team.

 Author: Oscar Mendez

I remember a long time ago, when in an interview I had the fortune of listening to Julio Velasco (famous Argentinian Volleyball coach), explaining the difference between "playing ball" and "playing football or soccer".

He talked about how some things look rather simple, at first sight this would be similar or the same, but as he explained how parents thought they understood the second one (playing football) because some of them played the first one (played ball), they were unable to see and understand  the complexity of the game of football.

Football seems very simple and easy, uncomplicated, but as new technology and tools arise to analyze it, we  begin to observe its complexity and older cliches that were used before, now  we learn that have no real practical utilization.


Ball Posession football does not give you any advantages.

This originally is logical and to a certain point real. Possession of the ball in a single game and without strategical objectives does not give you or your team an advantage.

Now, when we begin to see and analyze many matches , of teams who play "long possession football and  positional attacking football", thanks to Big Data analysis over thousands of matches, we begin to see that these teams win more often that teams that give the initiative to the opponent.

The reason is really rather simple. 

Since they have longer possession of the ball, they create and shoot more often than teams who don' t.

This team lost because the players were tired or ran less.

The majority of teams who end up running more than the opponents, usually tie or lose.
This is not intentional, but rather it responds to "systemic" factors of the game, given that the ones that prevail have a higher organizational level and the teams that "run more" usually are more disorganized. They normally run after the ball.

There are some exceptions but this can be seen in the majority of the cases.


Teams here can not play posession based football because they are not good technically.

Possession and the build up of a team, do not depend exclusively on technical (individual) skills but rather it is a TACTICAL aspect.
Unlike many wrongly suggest and repeat.

It is impossible for a footballer alone, if he doesn't have support from his / her teammates that offer him/her passing lanes and mobility, to be able to pass or penetrate an opposing defense successfully or that his/her team does not lose the ball and progress through the pitch successfully.


Any  amateur footballer can run with the ball on his/her feet without losing control of it, and even the best defenders of the world in teams where they don't offer him/her any support, passing lanes or create space,  will lose possession of the ball.

This is learned, it is taught, and is learned to be taught.

It is done collectively, football/soccer is a collective sport, it is not an individual sport.
Obviously it is not a physical problem either.

I mention this because I am tired of hearing these things on the media, and repeated by journalists over and over, without understanding what it is about.

It is not hereditary, nor genetic, you are not born with this skill. 

You learn it, develop it and perfection it.

If teens in their clubs live worried with losing or winning a match and only are taught irresponsibly to "kick long balls" through their whole development phase , it is obvious that they will never learn to build up the game from the back, not only the defenders but also the rest of the team.

"Not all opinions are respectable, what is respectable is the right to give your opinion, because I personally,  about the growing process of  butterflies in Cameroon, I can say that it is rather slow....My right to give an opinion is an unalienable right, we had to fight to have it, but someone could  point out, is really my  opinion about the butterflies in Cameroon valuable? ".

Juanma Lillo.


When we play any collective sport, and we interact with one or more teammates, traditionally it was thought or believed that talent and individual technique of that footballer was the only factor or the most important one, without taking into consideration the collective, the team, tactics.

A football team is a system, it is a net of microsystems that are constantly adapting and in constant dynamic , adaptability and interaction in a certain space and time.

For a team to create/ generate a scoring chance for example, the majority of the team, or all of the players, must be thinking the same thing in that exact time and space, because if one of them is not, all of this idea/intention will crumble to the ground, and later the execution will be another aspect , because it will be in real "game like" context situation and will also depend on other additional factors like the opponent, fortune and other additional factors.

Before all of this of course, there will be a strategy, either on a macro level or that specific situation.


This is the reason why real game like situations are trained, situations that that look to be generated and that other teams could create and we have to avoid.

If we train in out of context situations, or doing things that our footballers do not create or build this "common thought", it will be very difficult for the players and team to do it in real situations like the matches repeatedly.

Collective sports, seem rather simple, easy to understand analyze and predict but they are not.

Nowadays, thanks to many technological tools , we are beginning to notice the complexity of the sport and confirm what Professor Vitor Frade was able to see several decades ago.

These things, seen through the eyes of a linear vision, simplistic, reductionist, will be seen in a very simple fashion. Always depending on one or two factors.

Either because he/she does not have the necessary tools to understand it or because of economical reasons (of time), comfort or others.

"The others are players that later train or coach, and he is, rather a coach who before decided to play".

Juanma Lillo talking about Pep Guardiola.


Friday, July 30, 2021

La construcción de “un pensar”en común o colectivo, en un equipo de fútbol.

 Autor: Oscar Mendez

Recuerdo ya hace tiempo  en una entrevista como Julio  Velasco (famoso entrenador de Voley), explicaba la diferencia entre “jugar a la pelota” y “jugar al fútbol”.

Algunas cosas parecen muy simples, a simple vista esto sería parecido o igual,  pero al explicar cómo los padres creerían entender lo segundo porque practicaron lo primero, pero el no haber jugado al fútbol  no les permitía ver la complejidad del juego.

El fútbol parece muy simple y muy fácil, muy sencillo, pero a manera que surgen nuevas y más herramientas para analizarlo, más observamos su complejidad y más se desechan clichés antes utilizados que hoy en día no tienen ninguna utilidad práctica.


La Posesion del balón o de la pelota no sirve para nada.

Esto en principio es lógico y real, la posesión del balón en un partido y sin fines estratégicos, no sirve para nada.

Ahora, a largo plazo, como hemos aprendido gracias al Big Data tras observaciones de miles de partidos, es claro que los equipos de mayor posesión del balón ganan más que los que tienen menor volumen de juego  por una razón muy simple:

Rematan más al arco o portería  por  tener más el balón o la pelota.

Tal equipo perdió porque  estaba cansado o corrió menos.

En la mayoría de equipos que terminan corriendo más que el rival,  suelen perder, empatar o caer derrotados.

Esto no es algo intencional, sino que responde a aspectos “sistémicos” del juego, ya que generalmente prevalecen los equipos de mayor organización y suele “correr más” los que están desorganizados. Generalmente atrás de la pelota.

Hay alguna excepción, pero esto se da en la mayoría de los casos.


Los equipos aca en el Rio de la Plata, no pueden tener posesión de la pelota porque son malos o no tan buenos técnicamente sus futbolistas.

La posesión  ( o como le llaman acá la tenencia)  y la construcción del juego, no depende exclusivamente de aspectos de técnica individual, como muchos piensan y repiten equivocadamente sino a factores  TÁCTICOS.

Es imposible que un futbolista solo , si no tiene apoyos o compañeros que les ofrezcan líneas de pase además de movilidad, pueda pasar o penetrar una defensa de forma efectiva y su equipo no pierda la posesión de ese balón o pelota o pueda progresar en el terreno de juego.


Cualquier  futbolista amateur puede correr con un balón en los pies sin perderlo, y hasta los mejores defensas del mundo en equipos donde no existen apoyos, no hay una ocupación racional del terreno de juego, perderán el balón.

Esto se aprende, se enseña, y se aprende a enseñar.

Se hace en equipos, el fútbol es un deporte colectivo, no es un deporte individual. Obviamente tampoco es un problema físico.

Lo menciono porque estoy cansado de escuchar estas cosas en medios de comunicación y repetir  a periodistas como loros, sin entender de lo que se habla.

No es hereditario, ni genético, no se nace con esta capacidad. Es aprendida.

Si los adolescentes en sus clubes viven preocupados con perder y solo lanzan balonazos en largo en toda su carrera juvenil, es obvio que van a temer perder el balón o no van a aprender a construir el juego desde atrás, tanto ellos como sus compañeros.

«No todas las opiniones son respetables, lo que es respetable es el derecho a opinar, porque yo sobre el proceso del crecimiento de las mariposas en Camerún puede decir que para mí es demasiado lento... Mi derecho a opinar es inalienable, se ha peleado por tenerlo, pero me dirán qué vale mi opinión sobre las mariposas en Camerún?».

Juanma Lillo.



Cuando jugamos cualquier deporte colectivo, e interactuamos con uno o más compañeros , tradicionalmente se pensaba que el talento y la técnica individual de ese futbolista  era lo único y lo más importante,  sin tomar en cuenta lo colectivo….lo táctico.

Un equipo de fútbol es un sistema, es una red de micro sistemas que están constantemente adaptándose y en constante dinámica, adaptabilidad e interacción en un espacio y tiempo.

Para que un equipo genere o marque una situación de gol por ejemplo, la mayoría por no decir todos, deben estar pensando lo mismo, en ese mismo momento, porque si uno se demora se derrumba toda intención,  y luego vendrá la ejecución, que ya es otro tema , porque será en contexto de juego real y además dependerá de aún más factores como el rival, la aleatoriedad u otros factores adicionales.

Previo a todo esto,  habrá una estrategia, tanto a nivel macro como de esa situación particular.



Esta es la razón porque se entrenan situaciones, reales que buscamos que se generen y que nos puedan generar.

Si nosotros entrenamos sin contexto de juego, o haciendo cosas que nuestros futbolistas no “generen o crean” esa idea o pensamiento en común, será muy difícil que lo puedan hacer repetidamente.

Los deportes colectivos, parecen muy simples, muy fáciles de entender pero no lo son.

Hoy en día , gracias a muchas herramientas tecnológicas nos estamos empezando a dar cuenta de esto o confirmar esto, algo que el Profesor Vitor Frade logró  ver hace mucho tiempo.

Vistas a través de una persona con una visión linear, simplista , reduccionista, las verá de una forma muy simple.  Casi siempre dependiendo de uno o dos factores.

Ya sea porque no tiene herramientas para comprenderlo o por razones económicas (de tiempo) , comodidad u otras.


«Los demás son jugadores que después entrenan , y él es, un entrenador al que antes le dio por jugar».

Juanma Lillo sobre Pep Guardiola.






Tuesday, May 25, 2021

The Principle of Unbreakable Wholeness and its relation with modern football-Soccer.


Author: Oscar Mendez.

One of the Principles that Profesor Frade states as very important in Tactical Periodization is the principle of  unbreakable wholeness.

It serves us as a guide in the whole process just as other principles do, and allows us to see the game and the training process, our team, and the ups and downs it will have adapting to all the changes that will occur. 

I have seen many times , as I mentioned before, watching other colleagues, Institutes and/or Institutions talk about Tactical Periodization and "teach it" as a methodology that is in "fashion", like if soon it will pass away. 

The focus they give, it is like another methodology without knowing its history, their beliefs that is very different to other methodologies  and here I will try to explain briefly the main differences.

This way, they teach it as another methodology but now it is in fashion, that is linear like other methodologies where the main task is on Physical Loads and Physical aspects that are measure-able, I have even seen them name the three acquisition sessions as "Strength, Endurance and Speed" to my amazement.


I have seen how they develop exercises with physical objectives and many mistakes that have little or nothing to do with T.P. and with what Professor Frade had in mind when he created this revolutionary methodology.

This Way we see how there is a great confusion and phrases like:

-" You can not apply it on certain countries or zones because of their culture".

-"We can not apply it because we do not have the materials that you need to do so".

As if you need materials that you do not use playing the sport of football.

-"You can not use it because they are youth athletes or are not professional players". Taking into consideration the growing spurt and its phases, it is the best methodology because you will be teaching the footballer with tasks game intelligence.

-"You can not apply it because it is directed only to high performance". You are going to train what you are going to do in the matches whatever the level. You learn of an activity doing that activity that you are trying to dominate....not another one. 

-"We should not change how we play because we have won a lot by training this way". As if training and improving  what you are going to do is going to influence how you are going to play and that it will reduce your chances of winning... One thing is training what you are going to do...another very different is how you are going to play, that training specifically will help you achieve this. In other words, it has nothing to do with the style that your team will develop but whatever that style, it will help you improve it and perfection it.

-"You can not apply it because it was developed first on high performance and later it was taught academically". 

Professor Frade, now retired, spent decades teaching this methodology, and its development emerges from years of observation, analysis and study and was taken into practice by himself in F.C. Porto and later in the classrooms of Porto University (Fadeup). It emerges with the team Sir Bobby Robson coached where Jose Mourinho was assistant and Professor Frade was Physical Trainer and what they achieved later with Jose Mourinho where this club won everything it competed for two seasons.

-"I know it because I read some books about T.P.".

Just because you read a couple of books does not make you an expert or that you are able to teach about this methodology.

I have heard everything, as I mentioned here, a lot of nonsense and when I mentioned this to people from Professor Frade's surrounding, their surprise equals mine.

Intromission and the use of something because it is in fashion without knowing it roots, its Philosophy, its methodology and its application. 

It is true and very clear, that intromission in our area is and everyday thing, it is done by everyone everyday, from video games or people you might hear in a supermarket or a barbecue after a match. Your friends, Journalists, physical trainers, everyone plays to be "the head coach", even though the great majority of these people never played football, studied or worked as coaches, not even coached a kids' team.

So you ask yourself...and how do they know or how have they learned because I have been studying for over two decades and barely know anything or know very little?

As we know, knowledge comes from theory and practice.

From Studying and doing.

The same thing happens with this Methodology.

There are people who give courses, write articles, it is taught in many Universities and courses but unfortunately the huge problem is that people who teach this methodology do not have the correct education to understand it and do not know how to apply it.

I remember when here in my home country, when I was working here, I was invited to give practical example in the Pro Course in a Private University, because they wanted to see how practical tasks were executed according to the different Sub-dynamics in the Morpho-cycle.

They expected a formula so they could copy but this is the main inconvenience. You can not copy the tasks,  specially the ones related the principles of a team because those are unique and can not be repeated by anyone else because of the Playing Model. You can if you are focusing on concepts wich are general to any team or any Playing Model, but not when you are focusing on Macro-Meso-Micro or Nano Principles.

This is the main reason why in this blog, I do not publish exercises anymore. 

The tasks must be related with the Playing Model of the team, how your team is going to play. 

We can have general tasks that focus on  game concepts, when we train a concept of the game where the tasks are similar on any style, not depending on the model (Example: To open up when we gain the ball and to close up when we lose it).

When we focus on Principles of our Model, they can not be shared because there are not two teams that defend or attack the same way.

Tactical Periodization as Professor Frade affirms is based on the Complexity Theory and systemic approaches and there are some basic assumptions we want to mention:

-It is a methodology where we are going to plan the preparation of football/soccer teams based on specificity.

We do not contemplate general preparation or a conventional pre/season, nor training things that have little or nothing to do with what the footballer is going to do and how he or his team-mates can evolve their performance individually and collectively.

-We do not believe in a team or player being Physically fit or in shape.

Periodization on collective sports have little or nothing to do with periodization on individual sports where you compete against a distance or mark and how Mourinho states "There isn't any scientific evidence that demonstrates that a team prepared traditionally is going to have a better performance  that another one based on Tactical Periodization".

Rather it is the opposite.

When Francisco Seirul-lo or Juanma Lillo for example mention that "Physical training doesn't exist in football", what they mean is that you can not have  physical training isolated from football. It can not be separated from the object that it is based on, which is the

Recently I heard in an interview, a Physical Trainer here say that this was not true....obviously he did not understand what they meant, either because of his mental paradigm  or his perception where he sees the game and process separated by parts. The preparation can not be separated from the sport it practices.

-The training process  is based on the evolution of the game, the team and its players.

 The main objective is that the footballers and the team evolve on all scales, individual, group, sectorial, inter-sectorial and collectively. That together they construct  "a playing way", that will belong to the team and will be called "the playing model". The Model and style of the team is going to condition how and what we train and vice versa.

-It sustains itself on modern Neuro-Sciences (Neural Plasticity) as in other new concepts related to Physical sub-dynamic.

Some aspects were already known like as the tasks or exercises are specific, they will be always intermittent like the game, the energetic systems used (Atp/pc and aerobic system) to what the player will use in the matches, you will stimulate the right muscle fibers and new concepts of strength (Veronique Billat) for example, influenced by neuro-plasticity , originating from systemic paradigms although always in game like context, always specific, always related to our Playing Model where the Tactical Supra-Dimension will be the one to govern and organize the tasks and work.

-Take into account the Emotional Fatigue and Mental stress that the competition and the tasks generate and how this fatigue/stress  influence the tasks/exercises and that these are adequate according to the Sub-dynamic (acquisition or recuperation).

The tasks will be influenced according to the sub-dynamic and the information or complexity in the exercise, the space, the amount of players, intensity etc. We will not focus on physical load and pause like it was done conventionally but in the Tri-Nommial  Information-pause-adaptation.

-It is Based on our Playing Model which will be on constant evolution.

The Playing Model will be evolving always. Professor Frade mentions that in the beginning many teams when they begin the process, tend to play better because they focus on the Macro-Principles.

As the process continues in time, the performance of the team tends to drop slightly because of the acquisition of the  Meso, Micro and Nano  Principles in the cognitive process until this new  information is learned and applied correctly, where we can see a new adaptation.

-Strong Influence on Didactic and Pedagogy.

 It's a methodology that sustains itself on the Theory of Complexity, it is based strongly on the congnitive process, focusing on the process of teaching-learning and how they interact in this learning process, whether it is the coaching staff, the footballers or the team.

-It has certain Methodological Principles that are the pillars where we sustain the whole process.

The Principle of Horizontal Alternance in Specificity, the Principle of Complex Progression and the Principle of Propensities are the pillars in this process.

-Specificty, that is not a Methodological Principle, will be present at all times in the process.

 We always train what we are going to do in the matches where we modify how the information will be given according to the sub-dynamic in that session.

-The Principle of Divine Proportion.

This principle as Professor Frade states "Some call it leadership, or just being". It is like a common sense or logic that the coach sees in the process of his/her team and adapts to the circumstances. It is having an artistic side, creative and able to certain changes that the coach will see in the team in the correct moment. Sometimes it is to generate changes, others is to avoid them.

It will depend on what the coaching staff feels correct and necessary for that moment and that situation.


-The Tactical Supra-Dimension.

It will be the one that will direct the whole process.

The reason is that the Tactical Supra-Dimension  allows the other dimensions (Technical, Physical, Psychological) to emerge and will have direct influence on them. It is not like I heard form Raymond Verheijen that we see the game only through this Supra Dimension. This perception can be found if you see the game and process in a dis -associated fashion and not as whole.

-The Principle of Unbreakable Wholeness.

It means that we must always see the  training process and the game as a whole, not in a separated or isolated fashion. To see it as one, not in parts like physical, technical or Psychological alone or by themselves either in training or in a football game.

The game of football will be seen dynamically,  in constant change,  logic of the game allows us to see how everything has influence on everything and we will not see the game as set of plays, dis-associated one from each other or the moments or phases.

These moments or Phases will be worked as a whole were we can focus on the change from one to the other and how they are interrelated but always seeing the process and game as one.

How not being able to see the game and the training process as a whole, through complexity affects the coaching staff:

I remember when once, when I was working in another country, a coach that I was in charge, was explaining how he pretended his team to "press immediately after losing the ball  with many players", after his team would progress through long passes.

And when I asked him how would this be possible, because his teams would progress through long passes , it would be impossible to press after losing the ball because his forwards would be separated from the rest of the team, he didn't understand my question.

This was due to the reason that he saw the game in a dis-associated manner, how it is done traditionally, not associating the dynamic  and change from one Phase to the other and how they inter-act.

How our team is going to attack is going to condition how it will defend and vice-versa.

We see the same thing in South and North America, where teams in Offensive Phase , the players are at huge distances one from each other. This makes impossible to progress or being able to maintain possession of the ball (it is not a technical issue like many people think).Later a player can pass the ball to a teammate, but since the distances are so long, the player receiving the ball , he will have to face two or three opponents and in most cases he/she will lose the ball without any support.

Some actions in the game are seeing in an isolated fashion, not what will happen immediately after. When you see the game as a whole, the actions do not stop but are all inter-elated.

This way we see how teams when you see them from above, are divided in two or three parts sometimes and the distances are huge. They end up attacking with 2-3 footballers and other 6-7  waiting behind the half line of the pitch and the spaces are very big and very easy to exploit or take advantage.

The evolution of Spanish Positional Play, does not have to do with esthetic issues, or playing nice as they say here (in my opinion this does not exist , but rather it is a subjective perception because what for one person something maybe beautiful for another it may not), but rather with the possibility that when our team loses the ball, our team can react immediately and recuperate the ball attacking against a team that will now be open and not prepared to defend. One of the bases of German Gegenpressing.

As Guardiola Says, when we attack we are thinking that we may lose the ball and what we have to do and vice-versa.

The game must be seen as a whole and the whole training process must also be seen the same way, not in a separated fashion like traditionally was taught.

We must understand that if we do not modify our perception of the game and process, it will be impossible to apply methodologies like this one, even though we might say that we do and buy a certain course, video, magazine or book, made by someone who does not understand the real meaning and does this with the main purpose of finding an economic revenue. Many of these are done by people who do not understand the principle of complexity and see things through a different paradigm.

It is important to understand that if we don't see the game from a systemic view, the only thing we will do is apply a traditional focus with some differences but far from utilizing Tactical Periodization and we will not be able to understand  High Performance Modern Football that is applied in the strongest leagues in the world.

To understand Professor Frade and all of his work in my humble opinion, we must begin to read authors that promote systemic Paradigms and begin to see modern football the same way. If we do not do so it will be impossible. When we start studying with Professor, the first thing they try is this, to begin to understand the game through a whole.

"I think that nobody is going to argue  Aero-Spacial Science with people that work in NASA, even though there are people who think that they can argue with one of the best coaches there are in Football. And this is the beauty of football, and I am already accustomed to this. I even like this.

I am totally alright with this"

Jose Mourinho.