Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Interview to Xavier Damunt Masip. Methodological Department in F.C. Barcelona.


I will translate an interview done by Luis Ponce de Leon to a friend of mine who now is working in  Methodological Department at F.C. Barcelona.

Interview done by: Luis Ponce de Leon. Academic coordinator FUTEC-F.P.F.

Xavier Damunt Masip.

Department of Methodology at F.C. Barcelona.


Where do you find the difference, between the methodological approach done at F.C. Barcelona compared to others regarding training in collective sports?


I would distinguish two factors of our methodological approach that, due to their importance, modify the traditional vision of game and its training, taking our game to a change in Paradigm.

The first one is regarding the pedagogical  exchange between the coach and the player. The player is not a task-doer, looking to solve a task optimally shown by the coach, but rather that the coach facilitates context of training where he/she presumes that certain behavior will arise  and/or technical skills. The Footballer, according to their characteristics and skills, and executing the perception-action cycle, will have to adapt to that context. The Coach by main rule does not show patterned solutions, but rather observes the athletes and their action, to in its case, stimulate, provoke or not its occurrence.

In this sense, the feedback is, by definition, bi-directional, and the coach will worry about the behavior of the action by questioning the player. For that it is necessary to generate a context of trust where, for that reason, the players can express themselves freely (verbally or motorically).



What is the main contribution that Complex Theory Science brought to collective sport training , mainly Football/soccer? How did F.C. Barcelona adapt to this theoretical Paradigm?


Complexity explains us how complex systems adapt and organize based on disturbances that they receive from their environment. It helps us understand why players execute certain actions, because human beings are adaptive dynamic systems.

It is because of this, that we understand behavior as multi-factoral and not linear. It is important to understand the emerging character of what is underneath, for the understanding of decision- making of player, as what happens in the team, that is also a system.

So, if we understand what we mentioned, our methodology must be non-linear, that is based on the pedagogical principles of Constraint-led Approach.



How is the process of generating tasks or Preferential Action Simulations , having in consideration the emerging character, technical and tactical action that are not programmable and non -linear that occur in competition ?

The SSP take into account all the structures of the athlete, or does  it focuses on anything in particular, based on what it is identified as necessary?


The coach must design a training context where the actions that he/she wants to optimize will occur. The tasks will be open, this means that they will be designed in a way that an action will not be correct, so the concept error loses strength in its meaning. The tasks must be intense and continued, specific, with variability and continuity, how Professor Seirul-lo has taught us, director of Methodological Area in our Club.

Because we do not separate the dimension in training, but rather we practice in an integrated way, we take into account all of the structures of the human athlete, but depending on the needs of optimization we can have preference on some structures over the others.



How is the model integrated in the session, in the approach of training of F.C. Barcelona, the different professionals, coaches, physical trainers, strength trainers, physiotherapists, etc taking into consideration the contextual focus? This, in an average structures micro-cycle?


All the professionals share the same visión of training, and each coaching staff organizes itself according to this. On a structural way of our club, for example, the Area of Methodology and the Performance Area, which the Physical Trainers belong to , have constant communication regarding all the developmental teams. Also the club has a Tutorial Department consisting of pedagogues and tutors and educators…that are in constant contact with players, from early ages, to facilitate assistance, especially on that that is not sport related (study, family or emotional).



Can you identify a Philosophy of work all along the different teams, starting from kids to the first team? Which are the pillars of this philosophy of play, that involves all ages?


The phisolophy and the values come by the history and characteristics of our Club. As you know, it is recognized worldwide by a specific way of playing, Barça football, our way of play. One of the particularities of our Methodological Area is to gather these feelings regarding our way of play, its members, workers and fans, and develop this way of play, also as giving tools and a skill set so that the coaches and teachers of our club can transmit the philosophy and values through our idea of play, that conditions also the way of training.

In a few words, the philosophy and values that impregnate our game is the love for the ball, the empathetic communication between the players, that add up to a humanistic vision of sport, that allow the footballer to express him or herself with freedom and assertiveness, which means that he/she enjoys and flows while he practices our game.

From this idea, the structured idea of playing  that expresses this philosophy through the pass in search of having the ball as much time as possible and, that at the same level, the disorganization of the opponent , and the proximity between them and the ball, for the constant mutual help and efficiency whether they are in posession or are trying to recuperate it.




Departamento de metodología del FC Barcelona.



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